The Unusually Caring Bank

In a world where the Bank often is perceived as a greedy, bleak “necessary evil”, SBAB has always challenged... With honesty, care, transparency and a high level of credibility.


Positioned primarily as a mortgage provider, SBAB has developed its business in recent years. Now also encompassing Booli and Hittamäklare - a complete ecosystem of services that provides relevant services throughout a customer’s housing journey. In this way, the new SBAB also lay the foundation for a better living and a more sustainable housing economy.

Typography & Colors
In collaboration with So-Type Foundry, we created a custom typeface for SBAB. The main focus was readability, functionality and character. The use of accentuated inktraps ties the typeface to the symbol, giving it character without compromising the readability.


The strongly recognizable orange color of SBAB has been modernized. It is ever-present, but used in a more eclectic way. We’ve also added a palette of background colors to mix in with the white background in all touchpoints. 

Symbol & Iconography
The exclamation mark went from being part of a word mark to becoming a stand-alone symbol. An exclamation mark that embraces everything that SBAB is in the category and even “charges” it with self-confidence and playfulness, which is unique in the category. 


The playfulness of the symbol's slightly "offset" shape humanizes the brand even down to the iconography, where the elements of the exclamation mark creates playful, characteristic and imperfect icons. 


It also becomes a symbol that, even in its functional role, connects all brands in the eco-system.

The exclamation mark is always present in one way or another in all of the illustrations. The hidden symbol, in combination with the illustration style, captures SBAB as the unusually caring bank.