The Edit

Vattenfall challenged us to bring the rich stories of its progress towards its goal of fossil free living within one generation, in its 2021 Annual & Sustainability Report, to a wider audience. This without fundamentally changing the report itself. Our solution was to look at Vattenfall’s communications campaign “Think Beyond” for inspiration – embracing far-reaching collaborations and welcoming different perspectives.


People from diverse fields were invited – from the Executive Director of the International Energy Agency to a teenage climate activist to a TV presenter – to write articles sharing their perspectives on some of the big topics in the report.


We published these articles in a printed magazine as a supplement to the report, called The Edit. The design expression and layout were inspired by classic editorial design. Headlines, body copy and quotes are all set in our bespoke typeface Vattenfall Hall.


The Edit was printed in three language versions and distributed on six markets. We shared The Edit on Vattenfall’s and contributors’ social media channels, through native articles and influencers and as a digital One Pager.